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2024 Most Improved Player Mike O'Reilly
Shirley Watson achieving Grand Master Status
Sunshine Coast Restricted Pairs Winners Nov 2023
Ruth Webb cutting her 80th Birthday cake on 16th December.
Jocelyn Brain passed away Wednesday 6th January 2021. Vale Jocelyn
Phyl Eeles and Narelle Denvir 2015 Vale Phyl
Nancy Murnane, long time and loved Member passed away on 8th December 2020. Vale Nancy.
Happy Birthday, Fay. 2020.
The garbo, Neil received a gift for his service to the club, 2020.
Lorraine and Patricia present teacher, Helen with gift, 2020.
Vice President, Lorraine and Patricia present gift to Jean, our Card Dealer, 2020
Lin, Ruth, Alan and Jim, Directors 2020 with President Patricia
Most improved new player 2020, Sue Burton
Championship Teams, 2020 winners, Alan and David. The other team members were Keith and Mike.
Alan and David Championship Pairs 2020 winners.
Rosemary Deacon and Josephina Van Vugt with their Most Improved New Player Award 2019.
Janine and Janette enjoying the party.
Happy trio at Christmas Party
Barmen Mike and party without them.
Partying members.
Thank you to our volunteers.
President Bob with our newest member Yuko and Irene and Barbara.
Bubbly and Pavlova ....Winning pair at our Christmas Party!
Our Carolers at Christmas Party.
Directors, Secretary and President at Christmas Party on 7th December 2019.
Carol, Lesley, Ruth, Patricia and Jill, all dolled up for Melbourne Cup Day.
Jocelyn deciding which dessert to have on Cup Day.
Richard and Colin enjoying a chat at Cup party.
Dave and Dawn having fun on Cup Day.
Helen and Sue enjoying Melbourne Cup Lunch
Fashions in the Field Winner ..Florence McLaren with Judge Les Edis.
Melbourne Cup Party organiser ...Pat with Carol and Ruth.
President Bob King cutting Club's 28th Birthday cake with from L to R Helen Tyler, Noreen Everson and John De Raad on 10th August 2019
David Brady cuts his cake at his early 80th Birthday Celebration. His birthday is 8th April.
Adele Fielding Joint Winner Most Improved 2018 (Jenny Easey absent) and Bob King newly elected President 2019
Farewell to Joan Woodward, long standing Member of our Club, from President Bev Connell.
Eunice Poulsen, winner with her partner Carolyn Frankcom, of Ruth Olsen Novice Pairs
Carolyn Frankcom, winner with her partner Eunice Poulsen, of Ruth Olsen Novice Pairs
Australia Wide Restricted Pairs <300MPs Winners: Neil, Jocelyn, Colin & Sue
Happy Winners 2018 Graded Teams Competition: Jenny, Adele, Sandra & Robert
Dawn Quinan's 80th Birthday
Alan Jones & David Rubin Winners of 2018 Beryl Cramb Trophy
2018 Championship Team Members Gary Gibbards, Janet Fitzgerald, Bev Connell, Robert Sutton (Debbie Gibbards absent)
Jean Kennedy and Helen Tyler: Happy winners North/South Winter Pairs 2018
Farewell to Sue Morgan, Life Member, State Player, Teacher and respected member of our Club.
Life Member, Shirley Pascoe, and John Schmidt celebrating 80th Birthday.
Happy 80th Birthday Yvonne!
Debbie and Gary Gibbrds: Happy Winners East/West Winter Pairs 2018
Moreton Bribie Bridge Clubhouse
David Rubin and Keith Cohen, Winners President's Pairs 2018
Sue Morgan and Keith Cohen Mixed Pairs Champions 2018
Winning Team Bribie-Caboolture Challenge 2018,Jean, David, Alan & Keith
Birthday girls, Margaret 90 and Noreen 80.
2018 Championship Pairs, Jean Kennedy and Jim Breene
3rd March 2018, Farewell to Judy Boyd, author of "Sparkling Moments" our 25th Anniversary Booklet.
2017 Joint Winners Most Improved Players, Jennifer Borowski and Janice Jeffries
2017 Christmas Lunch
2017 Restricted Pairs Champions Mary Arthur and Pat Edis
2017 Novice Pairs Champions Annette Cameron and Lin McLaren
2017 Mixed Pair Champions Barry Hancox and Janet Fitzgerald
2017 Graded Teams Champions Robert Cowley, Carol Cowley, Alan Jones, John DeRaad
2017 Teams Champions Noreen Weyling, Paul Breene, Antony Davidson, John DeRaad
2017 M.I.T. Winner, Sandra Allen
2017 Providore, Jocelyn Brain with Noreen
Noreen presents Richard with Special Services Award at Christmas Party
2017 Championship Pairs, Ruth Webb, David Rubin (absent)
2017 Christmas Party Fay and Noreen
2017 Directors at Christmas Party, Ruth, Robert, Jim, Geraldine, Noreen, Tony
Lorraine Carr (beginners teacher) and Noreen Weyling, President 2017
Melb. Cup, 2017 - Fashions On The Field Winner - Narelle
Melbourne Cup Fashions 2017
Melbourne Cup Session Winners 2017
Sue Morgan's Class Farewell
Winners GNOT Round 1, March 2017. A Jones, J. DeRaad, S. & C Watson
President, N. Weyling, Secretary R. Webb & Treasurer L. Mclaren
Championship Pairs 2016 - Ruth Webb & Sandra Allen
Annette Cameron, one of the two Most Improved Players 2016 with President Noreen Weyling
Some of the 2017 Management Committee members